new site
Sei Bella
Rachel Gilbertson
How many years have you been in business in the DDBIA?
How many full-time employees (including yourself) work in your business or org?
Are your annual sales [budget] over or under $500K yearly?
What do you believe makes your business or org uniquely successful?
Our relaxed atmosphere, professional service and client satisfaction.
Regardless of how you define growth, what are the short- and long-term growth plans for your business?
We brought in laser which has been taking off and we plan to continue growing to learn and create more of our own products.
What new products or processes or other actions have you taken in the past to address changing market conditions, customer expectations and or growth opportunities?
Added laser hair removal, updated a cream we had, and looking into more products to create.
How specifically do you operationalize the idea of “Excellence” in your business?
Satisfied customers and employees, who enjoy coming to our space.