new site
Cowichan Public Art Gallery
David Coulson
How many years have you been in business in the DDBIA?
1.5 years
How many full-time employees (including yourself) work in your business or org?
Are your annual sales [budget] over or under $500K yearly?
Tell us your start-up story here - and don't forget to tell us what motivated you to start your business/organization here in Downtown Duncan specifically? We want to know why you chose us!
The CPAG was formed 7 years ago. When I got on board about 4 years ago, I suggested The Green Door Society and Art Gallery Society join together and form a New Downtown Gallery with a sculpture courtyard. It was always my dream from the day we saved the Green Door back in 2000.
What, do you believe, makes your business [or organization] uniquely successful?
Our massive volunteer hours and dedication. Over 3400 hours per year for the board and an additional 2000 hours for gallery docents. Over 5000 hours!
Regardless of how you define growth, what are the short and long-term growth plans for your business or org?
We are beginning to raise funds to build a 35,000 square foot Class A Art Gallery valued at over $30 million and employing 20 full-time paid staff totalling nearly $1M annually.